Westside German Shepherd Rescue of Los Angeles is a non profit 501(c)3, no kill rescue committed to saving
all types of German Shepherd Dogs from high kill shelters and adopting them to loving, qualified homes.

Levi von Laar

Levi von Laar is a 4 month old female German Shepherd puppy who was rescued by Westside after being thrown from a moving car. Levi has an amazing spirit and is already receiving therapy with the hopes of being able to improve her mobility. She is walking with assistance on the water treadmill and is working on increasing her overall strength. She is learning to use her wheelie cart, and also does well using a sling and a hip harness. Levi is a puppy in every way. She is very social and loves people and other dogs! She has attended Puppy Kindergarten and enjoys any social situation where she can be around other dogs and make friends. Her ears fold down on top of her head when she gets excited about meeting someone new or reuniting with someone she misses. Levi is a talker and she will chat with you about anything and everything. This girl always has something to say. She is currently being fostered with two dog sisters (Westside alums), and 3 cats. She loves to play with her toys and is especially fond of anything that squeaks. She enjoys being outside in the fresh air and spends her time sniffing the grass and checking out everything that is around her. When she isn’t using her wheels, she is able to pull herself around the yard using her front paws. Her favorite pastime is bug catching. She always hopes that her next outing will be met with success. Being a growing girl, Levi has a healthy appetite and loves food, treats, and anything else she can chew.  As she continues to grow, she is looking for a special family with big hearts and positive attitudes so that together they can continue to work on her mobility issues and fully embrace all that may come. Levi would love a home that sees not her limitations, but all her vast potential as an amazing dog and family member.


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